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Forget Love – How Do I Get People To Even “Like” My Facebook Fan Page?!

Is it just me, or is being a new blogger hard?  At this point, I’m considering walking down Montana Avenue in Santa Monica wearing a sandwich board saying, “Are you a foodie?  ‘Like’ the DeathbedFood Fan Page on Facebook!”

So, as a beginning blogger, I ask, “How do you promote your blog?”

I’m beyond excited about writing about one of my key passions in life – food.  Naturally, I thought ALL of my friends would be equally excited … especially my closest friends.  But Noooooo!!

Now, I understand that not everyone is “into” social media or blogs.  In fact, until a few years ago, I wasn’t on Twitter and didn’t know what an App was – let alone want to blog.

Still, all of my close friends know what a ridiculous foodie I am – and most of them have been telling me to do this for a long time (well, at least to write an article, if not a blog).

So, finally inspired to do it, I launch in with the blog, Facebook fan page and Twitter account.  Now, I’ve been on Twitter via my original name @DianeTweeting for over 2 years, tweeting about several different topics – mostly social media, technology, market research, food and the Lakers.  Meantime, with the launch of this blog about a month ago, I decided to start a food-only Twitter (@DeathbedFood).

@DianeTweeting has 650 followers; @DeathbedFood has about 75.  I realize that it took time to get 650 followers but somehow I thought it might be easier to get more if you specialized in one thing versus tweeting about a variety of topics.  Doesn’t look that way.

My Facebook fan page isn’t doing that well either.  I asked all of my close friends on Facebook to “Like” the page – and only a few did.  Interestingly, it was people who I wasn’t as close with who seemed to “Like” it more.   Maybe my closest friends aren’t the foodies I thought?  Or just not into social media?  In any case, I’ve tried via Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to get people to that Fan page to not-so-stellar results (to date, I have 17 people who “Like” it including me).

Of course, it would help if my parents could “Like” it.  But they’re not exactly embracing technology.

Neither one of them will go on Facebook.  And, in fact, when I offered them a FREE iPhone so we could “video chat”, they even declined that!  I know – hard to believe? Well, see our conversation by text below:

Rationale for declining FREE iPhone.

What?!  They put my picture near their phone and that’s a video call?  Guess I shouldn’t bring up Skype then.  And I won’t hold my breath that they’ll be “Liking” my FB fan page anytime soon …

I’m thinking the sandwich board idea may be the best way to go.