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Pinkberry Coconut: Oscar’s DeathbedFood

I admit: I’m a die-hard “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fan.  Besides finding Larry and team hysterically funny, I’m always amused to see what and where they’re eating in LA – a week ago, for instance, they were in a Palestinian restaurant that looked eerily similar to Sunnin in Westwood!

In the latest episode, Susie and Jeff’s dog was really sick and needed to be put down.  Susie tells Jeff that Oscar needs a last meal – and that it should be his favorite all-time dish: Pinkberry Coconut.  Larry wonders if it will catch on in prisons as a last meal … but Jeff opines that there aren’t any Pinkberrys near prisons.

Dutifully, Jeff and Larry head out to get Pinkberry for Oscar … but, of course, some sort of mayhem then unfolds.

First, while at Pinkberry, Larry gets accused of doing a “chat-and-cut” – defined by Larry himself, as @Eater posted today, as “Feigning familiarity with someone [you] vaguely know for the sole purpose of cutting in line.” As seen in Eater’s videos, Larry fails to explain why it’s not a chat-and-cut.

Later, on the way back from Pinkberry, Larry takes a tiny bite … then Jeff takes one … then Larry … then Jeff … then it’s all gone.  Unfortunately, while Larry was eating it, someone else saw him, which later caused him trouble:

Thank you, Larry, for making DeathbedFood funny!