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Walkin Down The Street in LA, I Run Into Ink and Bizarre Foods’ Andrew Zimmern

You know that song, “Walking in LA” where Missing Persons tell us “Nobody Walks in LA“?  Remember that scene out of “LA Story” where Steve Martin gets into his car, pulls away from the curb and drives down to the next house to park?  Well, that stuff is pretty close to reality and I’m guilty of not walking enough for sure.  But, last night, I discovered why, beyond being Greener and healthier, I should consider walking in LA more …

Here’s the story … I was getting my hair done on Beverly Blvd. at The Bungalow (special shoutout to Damien there whom I adore!).  He finished dolling me up around 5:30.  I was thinking about food (as I pretty much do all the time anyway) and decided to grab a bite somewhere in the neighborhood there.  Being so close to Comme Ca, where we had had a lovely brunch recently, we wanted to try their happy hour.  While walking on Melrose towards Comme Ca, I spotted Michael Voltaggio‘s Ink which I’d heard a ton of buzz about.  So, we decided to pop in there instead … upon which, we found Andrew Zimmern and his film crew filming him!

Andrew Zimmern Being Filmed in Ink by Travel Channel for Bizarre Foods America

This blew my mind as I’m a huge fan of Bizarre Foods (and am excited about his new show, premiering Jan. 23rd, Bizarre Foods America).  Last year, he started following me on Twitter which was a total thrill.  Meantime, earlier yesterday, I had just signed up to go to his Pop-Up Charity Dinner benefiting the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank at Royal/T in Culver City this Friday, the 13th, and had tweeted about that.  I couldn’t believe I just signed up for that dinner and then I run into him at a restaurant I didn’t even plan on being at that day.

Chef Michael Voltaggio with Andrew Zimmern

So, naturally, I had to tweet about all this and was hoping that Andrew would see it as I knew he’s quite active on Twitter.  And, sure enough, he tweeted back!

So, of course I had to go say hi.  He couldn’t have been more gracious, saying that he saw that I would be going to his dinner on Friday.  Wow, I’m sure he has a ton going on … total class to be aware of something like that!  Then, later, when he was in the kitchen with Michael Voltaggio, he asked the Chef, “Do you know Deathbed?”  Michael looked a bit startled and I understand … I’ve never been introduced quite like that before.  Close enough, Andrew!

And, in the midst of all this tweeting and cavorting, I was able to get my first taste of what the buzz is about … Ink’s food!  Beginning with a carrot dish unlike any other I’ve had … coconut ice, cardamon soil (what’s that?!) and carrot juice curry?  It’s carrot modern art.

Carrots with Coconut Ice and Carrot Curry

Next up, brussels sprouts with apple, lardo and fried pig ears.  I think, for me, pig ears may be an acquired taste.  This was a first for me so we’ll see.  Meantime, the brussels sprouts, apple and (I’m sure) lardo were lovely.

Brussels Sprouts with Apple, Lardo and Fried Pig Ears

The spaghetti with giant squid, squash and hazelnut pesto got my attention as squid, squash and pesto are among my three favorite ingredients. I’d definitely order this again.

Spaghetti with Giant Squid, Squash and Hazelnut Pesto

And dessert … DeathbedFood level for sure!  Apple, Caramel and Burnt Wood Ice Cream … really worth going to Ink just for this.

Apple, Caramel and Burnt Wood Ice Cream (DeathbedFood!)

All told, a truly serendipitous series of events bringing together my love for celebrity chefs, food, restaurants, Twitter – all rolled into one delectable, memorable evening.  And just from walking in LA.  Hey, Steve Martin, maybe this should be your sequel to “LA Story” (Angelenos’ take on using Twitter?).  In any case, I, for one, will be walking more often!