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Farina’s Asian Pantry Cooking App & Pantry Kits May Be a Great Gift for Mom

Does your Mom love to cook?  Has she been wanting to try cooking more Asian dishes at home?  Still looking for a great gift for her for Mother’s Day?  If so, “Farina’s Asian Pantry” Cooking App and Asian Pantry Kits may be your solution.

Farina Kingsley

Admittedly, I’m biased (I help Farina Kingsley with her social media outlets).  That said, residing in Singapore now, she’s the real deal – and so are her App & Kits.  Just some of her credentials include:

  • A San Francisco native, she started cooking Asian food early as a child in her Cantonese grandmother’s kitchen;
  • After graduating from Tante Marie Cooking School in San Francisco, she lived in Asia and trained at Hong Kong Kowloon Restaurant School and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Thailand;
  • She taught the Asian Culinary Program at Tante Marie Cooking School (her alma mater) for 10 years; and
  • She’s a 4-time cookbook author (three Asian cuisine cookbooks with Williams-Sonoma as well as Organic Marin).

Plus, she actually got me, the committed non-cook, to cook Thai Curry from scratch with her App!

So, what would Mom get with her App?  Farina’s Asian Pantry is designed to help the home cook bring the fresh, bright flavors of Asian food into their kitchens – simply and easily.  It features beautiful “how to” videos, a detailed pictorial ingredient glossary, a GPS locator to help find Asian markets in the area and, of course, step-by-step recipe instructions.

This promo video gives a great introduction to what it’s all about:

The Asian Pantry Kits are another option for Mom. The kits are designed to make it easy to get those hard-to-find ingredients so critical for making my Asian recipes taste authentic.

Chinese Pantry Kit

There are three kits to choose from …

  • Japanese/Korean Pantry Kit: From seaweed to red pepper paste, this kit will start you on your way to preparing a variety of dishes from Japan and Korea.
  • Chinese Pantry Kit: This includes all the basic liquid and dry condiments that every Chinese pantry should have, including: Light & Dark soy sauce, Black vinegar, Chinese rice wine, Chili bean paste, Sriracha chili sauce (everyone’s favorite!), Hoisin sauce, Dried black mushrooms, Fermented black beans – and more.
  • Southeast Asian Pantry Kit: This elaborate pantry kit is a must for preparing dishes from Vietnam to Thailand. It contains essential basics from palm sugar to sweet soy sauce.

Final benefit?  It’s all available for purchase online on Farina’s website.  So, consider helping Mom help you … perhaps you’ll be eating more freshly cooked, amazing Asian meals at home – thanks to Farina and your Mom!