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Zimmern Says This Week’s “LA Pop Up” Episode Is His All Time Favorite

This episode was born out of a problem. How do you come and do a story about a place that everyone has done stories about? What am I going to do? Taco trucks? Famous restaurants? No. So what I decided to do was do a pop-up. It’s quintessentially L.A., it’s very 2012. LA Weekly

DeathbedFood was there for Andrew Zimmern’s first ever Pop Up in Los Angeles.  We didn’t know it was going to be an episode on Bizarre Foods America until we arrived at the Royal T in Culver City (which, alas, is no longer with us).  This I’m sure of: Travel Channel knows how to create high quality programming.  The show was shot with at least 5 cameras and an obviously super high quality crew with ah-mazing lighting set up.  Everything here fired on all cylinders:  the concept, the food, the experience, Andrew himself, and the beautiful execution of this episode.  Congrats to everyone who worked on this.


If you see the full episode on Travel Channel, you may catch glimpses of me in an orange dress, head down in my iPad as I’m furiously tweeting about each dish.  Actually, if you look REALLY hard (at 2:50 and 4:21 ~ my two seconds of fame?), you may find a few shots of me (head down, tweeting) in this Recap video …

During the event, we stepped into the kitchen to shoot this exclusive video clip with Andrew while he was in the middle of the dinner service.  We didn’t stay long because we didn’t need to – my video pro nailed it first question:

This love and respect for the LA food scene was a theme for Andrew while he was in town working on this episode.

You have so many fantastic chefs in L.A.,” says Zimmern. “This has become such a great food city,and such a legitimate food town. I eat all over the world in all the best places–whether it’s a jungle market, street food, or restaurants–and I get offended when people put down the food scene in L.A.   LAIST

Thanks Andrew for so many things … doing a truly ah-mazing Pop Up here in LA, having a fabulous episode about it on Bizarre Foods, touting LA’s food scene as the innovative, exciting one that it has become, and, perhaps most importantly, for being such an endearingly nice guy – and the only one who I’d let call me “Deathbed”!