
DeathbedFood is all about Celebrating Food & Wine To Die For.  My blog is focused on finding incredible dining experiences, Chefs, restaurants, and food trends – and sharing them with you.

The blog is still a pretty new adventure for me, having just launched it in June 2011.  While I’ve always enjoyed writing, I never pictured myself as a “writer” necessarily.  With a B.A. in Economics and an M.B.A. in Marketing and Finance, I’ve built a career in Marketing Research, Marketing and Sales – leading business development efforts to sell branding, customer satisfaction and product development solutions to a variety of emerging and Fortune 500 clients.  You may see more of my professional background on Linked In.

So what led to my becoming a food blogger?  Two key factors:

  1. My gravitation (addiction?) towards social media; and
  2. My ever-present obsession with food.

First, social media.  Admittedly, I was a late adopter.  A few years ago, I had an iPhone but didn’t even know what an App was (I bought it because it looked cool).  Then I learned about Twitter, and the rest was history.  I started with @DianeTweeting which I still use for technology, marketing, business, social media and Lakers news.  And, of course with this blog, I now have @DeathbedFood.  While I had a Facebook page before, I didn’t really use it until I started the blog … now I have the Facebook.com/DeathbedFood Fan Page (and YouTube Channel: DeathbedFoodTV) as part of the DeathbedFood SEO strategy.  So passion for social media helped me to feel comfortable with the idea of a blog …

But my passion for all things food led me to the topic.  A foodie to the core, I’ve said “OMG! This is ‘Deathbed Food'” throughout my entire adult life when I’ve lucky enough to have had incredible food (and wine) experiences. It’s become so ingrained in my vocabulary that, naturally, I thought I invented the term. Well, that was true until recently when I told my parents that I’m (finally) doing my (long-overdue) food blog and had the epiphany to call it “DeathbedFood.” My Dad then informed me that HE actually invented the term! My first blog post (“DeathbedFood: The Super New Untold Story … An Anthropological Look” tells it  best).  In any case, thanks Dad!

I’m available for social media, PR and marketing consulting – and may be reached at: diane@deathbedfood.com

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